On 2nd November 2020, participants from Republic of Moldova carried out an online seminar within the digital project «Measuring Ghettos: Grodno – Cernăuți – Chișinău». During the seminar, the students presented and discussed with the project coordinator Galina Corman the preliminary results of the three micro-projects, the difficulties at the moment and the plans for finalizing the micro-projects until the end of November. The current level of presentations prepared by the three groups were appreciated as being pretty high. The participants from the first group made a topographical map of the Chișinău Ghetto and interviews with passers-by, while the second and the third group managed to gather multiple materials on their subjects «Stories from the Ghetto» and «Stolpersteins» (stumbling blocks), and determined the questions for the interviews with the experts on Holocaust history in Moldova and the objects, that will be filmed with a drone. By the end of the seminar, the participants detailed the time and the points, which should be more emphasized in the presentations in order to exclude possible repetitions, as well as the steps that should be done to bring the projects to a good end. At the same time, they established the 19th of November 2020 as the day of the next seminar, when semifinal variants of the project presentations will be discussed. Inspired by the common discussions, appreciations and advices, the participants left the seminar with a clear sight and belief, that they will successfully finish their projects.